01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG

I started with medium format photography in 2014. It took my photography to a new level with 6 x 7 negatives. I photograph a lot of urban landscapes and landscapes with human impact. I also photograph concerts with a medium format camera as a long term project.

I usually shoot with black and white film and develop it myself. I shoot colour film irregular and slide film very rarely. I scan my black and white negatives with a flatbed scanner at home. If there are any photos I’m more pleased with, I send the negatives to a lab with professional scanning.

Then I decided to give drum scanning a try. I had seen some great results from other photographers. I send some negatives to Tim and Charlotte. The quality of my drum scanned negatives was excellent. I had decided to have my favourite concert photos drum scanned. With the aim to be an exhibition and probably also a book about live music.

The fantastic quality from drum scanning of my black and white negatives inspires me to photograph more with colour film and slide film in the future. I would like to recommend all film photographers to try drum scanning. I’m also very satisfied with the customer service.

Medium Format Black and White – Base Scan and Invert

Medium Format Black and White – 100% Crop (local sharpening)

Medium Format Black and White – Base Scan and Invert

Medium Format Black and White – Open up shadows

Medium Format Black and White – Reveal highlights