01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG

“Tim and Charlotte have drum scanned a few projects for me now with exceptional results. Scanning is both an artistic and scientific process, and the results Tim got from the Portra 800 and Ilford 3200 are superb. Gentle skin tones with details in the highlights and shadows got every ounce of information from the 6×7 film while also keeping the feel of analogue and being true to the original film stock.

The frames here (see examples on his website) were from a remote shoot in Iceland for ITV’s new series ‘A Year on Planet Earth’, and I shot on Porta 800 on Mamiya Rz67 ProII.

Portra handled the high dynamic range brilliantly, and the final scans far exceeded the depth and range of the first prints.

Drum scanning is one of those things that, when done well, sadly, isn’t noticed as the results melt away and the subject shines through as the artist/photographer intended. Which is wonderful but means it’s easy for someone like Tim not to get the recognition he deserves.”