01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG
Testimonial / Joe Cornish

Testimonial / Joe Cornish

“The drum scans that Tim has produced for me have typically produced an extra stop of printable information in the darkest shadows of some extremely challenging transparencies. They are also the sharpest and most colour-accurate scans I have seen. I can strongly...
Testimonial / Lynn Evans

Testimonial / Lynn Evans

“The quality of the scans is so much better than anything I’ve had professionally scanned before, and your anti-dust techniques have really paid off. I am so impressed not only with the colour accuracy but the retention of all the subtle tones and nuances...
Testimonial / I-Liang Siu

Testimonial / I-Liang Siu

“This is my first experience with drum scan, but I’m very satisfied with what I received (I opted for the standard 2000 dpi scans). Tim responded very quickly to my emails, and even sent some jpg proofs late Sunday night so that I could get a preview. The...
Testimonial / Jon Brock

Testimonial / Jon Brock

“Tim’s drum scans convert the film into beautiful digital bits and bobs” – Jon Brock Jon’s beautiful photograph of the Yorkshire Wolds was taken on Fuji Velvia using a Linhof Technikardan 5×4 camera. Here is a sample from the far...